Carolina Rangers Special Operations Group
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Welcome To The Rangers on the Web
the Carolina Rangers are a unit of loyal patriots operating under the direct authority of the United States constitution. We believe strongly in the second amendment and are against terrorism in and on every level either foreign or domestic. We stand together in defense of our God our Country and our State. We train together as a band of brothers in the Arts of war and peace. We stand together as one voice defending and protecting our brothers. we will remain faithful and diligent to up hold the American way of life as our fore fathers before us. We will stand the watch and if need be give the ultimate price of our lives for the defense of this country and one another. We operate on the simple principle of one for all and all for one. Please feel free to contact us if you have any interest in becoming part of our band of brothers, we are not racial bigots nor do we discriminate against any race creed or sexual orientation. We are Americans bound by our faith in America and or sense of justice to remain diligent to the true sense of what America stands for the Land of the Brave the Home of the FREE.

I shall, and forever remain at my post,to guard the safety and rights of EVERY AMERICAN even unto my death.

I am a Warrior,a Soldier,a Patriot.

I am a Husband,a Father,a Son.

The Carolina Rangers are a non-reiglious,non-racist,non-profit unorganized citizens militia.
The Officers and Members of the Carolina Rangers wish to extend an open invitation to all intreested parties of any RACE,CREED,OR SEXUAL OREINTATION.To become involved with a Ranger group in your area. The Carolina Rangers DO NOT tolerate any ILLEGAL OR IMMORAL ACTIVITIES. We are a Family oreintated group. WE ARE NOT A RACIALLY MOTIVATED ORGANIZATION. NOR DO WE TOLERATE OR CONDONE ANY OF THOSE ACTIVTIES.